Vrundavan Nursing Collage

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  • Combine all the educational qualifications documents in one PDF file. Name this file should be all the letters of the first name of the candidate + edu + first two characters of the birth date. Example if the name of the candidate is seema and date of birth is 05/06/1999 the name of this pdf file shall be seemaedu05.pdf. Email to vrundavannursing@gmail.com
  • Combine all the experience documents in one PDF file. Name this file should be all the letters of the first name of the candidate + exp. Example if the name of the candidate is seema and date of birth is 05/06/1999 the name of this pdf file shall be seemaexp05.pdf. Email to vrundavannursing@gmail.com
  • Combine all the training documents in one PDF file. Name this file should be all the letters of the first name of the candidate + tra. Example if the name of the candidate is seema and date of birth is 05/06/1999 the name of this pdf file shall be seematra05.pdf. Email to vrundavannursing@gmail.com
  • Combine all the certificate documents in one PDF file. Name this file should be all the letters of the first name of the candidate + cer. Example if the name of the candidate is seema and date of birth is 05/06/1999 the name of this pdf file shall be seemacer05.pdf. Email to vrundavannursing@gmail.com
  • Combine the documents like PAN card , driving license, Passport, Aadhar card into one PDF file. Name this file should be all the letters of the first name of the candidate + oth. Example if the name of the candidate is seema and date of birth is 05/06/1999 the name of this pdf file shall be seemaoth05.pdf. Email to vrundavannursing@gmail.com
  • Upload photo as PDF file. The size of the photo should be 4 cms X 4 cms. Name this file should be all the letters of the first name of the candidate + photo. Example if the name of the candidate is seema and date of birth is 05/06/1999 the name of this pdf file shall be seemaphoto05.pdf. Also Email to vrundavannursing@gmail.com
  • The resume file should be pdf. Name this file should be all the letters of the first name of the candidate +resume. Example if the name of the candidate is seema and date of birth is 05/06/1999 the name of this pdf file shall be seemaresume05.pdf. Also Email to vrundavannursing@gmail.com


